Saturday, May 15, 2021

After second dose

Had my second vaccine dose yesterday.  Much more busy at the clinic, lots of kids getting vaccinated this time.  Had a pretty rough night, but as the day progresses, I am feeling better.  Woke up feeling like I had the flu with a hangover.  Mostly, it's the headache that's the problem, and that could also been caused by smoking outside my window, which seems to happen a lot; the neighborhood is dense.  And I left my "door" open all night. (The only window that opens in this apartment is a sliding glass door.  I'm on the sixth floor, so it's not a big issue to leave it open.)

I went in with my eyes fully opened, and made the right choice for me, out of love and my own moral compass.  Whatever the outcomes ends up being.  And I hope it helps.