Wednesday, July 28, 2010

a Wednesday in July

Been wearing jeans all day and finally was able to change out of them, cool off and look at my legs. My legs which I put (probably too much) self-tanner on this morning. Pretty orange, at least my feet are...wonder if it will come off in the shower at all? Except for my feet, the part of my legs where I put it are fairly evenly orange, so that's good. Will have to decide if I will go bare-legged this week. I might. It's in the 70's, a cooling trend. A year ago it was 104 or something like that. It's almost 10 pm, just finished walking home after planting pole beans and lettuce and checking on the okra I planted 3 weeks ago after freezing then soaking the seeds to speed up germination. I think in retrospect I might have oversoaked them. 10 of the 30 or so sprouted and have now begun to finally put out true leaves. Good thing that we have a long Indian Summer.

Stopped for Thai food on the way home, mostly I was thirsty and I wanted to read more of "Just Kids" by Patti Smith. It's about her life with Robert Maplethorpe in the late 60's-early 70's, mostly in NYC. Will write more later, having internet connectivity issues. Peace

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