I hugged people over the weekend. A friend is moving to New York and had a going away party at the Lake. We were all vaccinated, but still. Been a long time (there was the, "I'm fully vaccinated." "I am, too.") Talking to another of my friends from the Meisner days saying that we both had to drag ourselves out of our caves to socialize, neither of us particularly good at this. I'm glad I went, and I knew I would be, but it's takes a lot of energy to show up.
And for some reason I've had it in my head that I finished my vaccination on June 4th, I think I even told them that in one of my emergency room visits (I had chest pain and an elevated D-Dimer so was told to go to the ER last month. Nothing was found in a Cat Scan, so they sent me home. I'm still kicking.) I'll have to update that. I was filling out a work verification form and realized I'd finished in May. I have no idea where the June 4 date came from. I looked at my card, and then check text messages and my leave requests to verify it, because that seemed wrong. Memory is a funny thing.
I haven't been completely anti-social, I go into work, and there are people there; and I talk to people in the garden. And I joined a building task force and was elected to the Church Council, as well as another committee I've been on, so I've had the Zoom contact, too. I've rode the bus more recently, (partially due to the heat) and after a recent eye appointment, I went out for a drink and an appetizer, first time sitting in a restaurant in more than 16 months. It had a roll-up wall that was open, and I was the only person in the area where I sat, and I didn't stay that long, but it feels like a slow crawl to participating in life. During the heatwave, a suggestion for air-conditioning was going to a movie, but I'm not ready for that.
I'm still waiting for the air conditioning. I have the unit now, but it doesn't match with my wall vent, so it needs an adapter. It's sitting against the wall like a little robot. I still need to move things around to make space by the vent and an outlet. Baby steps.