Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Sitting here eating cake and watching a documentary about the evils of sugar (That Sugar Film.)  Earlier, I was sitting in a cafe with loud music playing, loud enough that I could recite Shakespeare monologues out loud and not bother anyone...actually, it was pretty empty.  I was trying to read Katherine (Henry VIII) in a Spanish accent, felt like I wanted to see if I could do it, as she is from Spain.  Took me twice as long, it was kinda' exhausting, I'm hoping the more I practice accents the faster I'll be able to speak, at any rate, I need to learn to do some at some point (requests I've been seeing are for British and French, but I know how to pronounce in Spanish and Finnish, so, I'm starting there.  I have French language CD's, watch a lot of foreign-language movies, too.  Helps to hear it.)

Life has mostly been a series on banging my head against walls, so, somewhat frustrating.  Finally got some movement on one of the projects I've been working on because we went above everyone's heads after a couple of months of stonewalling.  Much of the remainder of the frustration results from a lack of integrity, just walk your talk.  We're all hypocrites about something, I get that, but if you accept the accolades for something, you actually should be practicing it, otherwise it's just publicity;  and that's transparent, and hard to respect.  Just saying.

Anyway, looking foward to the film festival.  I'm working on Friday, should probably make sure my phone is functioning, as it's a shift where I'll have to call people.  My phone service is pretty awful, it keeps changing settings on me, last time it turned the volume off, and before that it moved the phone icon so that I couldn't find it (when it does updates.)

Watching a bunch of pretty heavy films for my character, this sugar film is a bit of a break.  (Oh, geez, no, this is pissing me off.  Profit over health.  And a calorie is not a calorie, as your body uses fats, carbs, and proteins for different processes.)  Trying to inform what got her to the choice she just made.  It is a comedy, but she still has to have a reason, and also a reason why she says what she does.  We haven't filmed yet.  Having a bit of anxiety over that, though heard from the director today.  They will be screening mid-June.


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