Saturday, October 15, 2016


In the calm before the storm.  It's so quiet, no wind at all.  Never got super windy here yesterday, seemed to be between 10-25 mph all day, even after the storm was said to have passed.  It's already raining.  The trees are still in brilliant leaf.  I was thinking if more leaves had fallen in the storm yesterday, perhaps there would be less impact in the storm today.  They are so beautiful this year!  And I want to go for a walk, but there was a notice to stay out of the parks, due to falling branches and trees.  The ground is saturated, it probably wouldn't take much to push over a tree that was ready to go, and a lot of them are weak from two years of drought.

A blue jay breaks the silence, I guess I should get out of the house.  And cook, before the chance of losing power.  And I have rehearsal space booked in a few hours to get these words out of my mouth.  Seems to have become a problem, more so lately.  Like a fear of being heard.  Fear of being wrong?  Of being called out?  They aren't even my own words and I can't seem to say them.  The inability to take up space.  Have a week to work on it.

Also, new scene for class from "The Cherry Orchard."  I do love Chekhov.

All the possibilities of the day stretch out before me, and the time slips by while sitting here looking at things on the internet, accomplishing fewer and fewer.

Ah, the storm changed track, and the winds here look to be like yesterday (though, higher gusts.)  North of here is forecast to get slammed.  I think last time we had a storm this strong my parents lost power for a week.  Don't remember losing power at all.

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