Saturday, December 24, 2016

Sitting in Seattle

Seattle is home 364 days of the year, on that 365th day, home is where I grew up, and I'm in Seattle, not there.  Spent a brief moment being sad about that, but it means I can sing my favorite carol with the Finns tomorrow morning before going and picking up my sister and heading to my parents' house.  I already sang once tonight, very slim (because I have access to a car) chance I'll get dressed up again and go to a midnight mass, right now I'm listening to the Northwest Boys Choir on the radio (usually I listen in the car, and god, is it beautiful this year.)

Anyway, I'm home 'cos I came down with some virus last night.  Think it's just a cold, but felt like crap.  Have been taking this immune tincture I found recently, and along with this vapor rub-type thing, seems to have made a huge difference: both sore throat and achiness have abated.  But I didn't get everything done that I needed to, hardly got anything at all done today, and I don't feel like driving.  The week was somewhat stressful; coordinated a big, convoluted, last minute office move (nine offices trading places) that had to get done before I went on leave, and a few people have had the flu, so germs are also passing around.  It got done (and I caught a virus.)

(This apothocary is big on using what grows around you to heal you; for instance, this tincture has evergreen tree parts, and elderberry in it.  Not all of her products are entirely local, she has a tincture with chocolate in it, but most of it is.)

Anyway, that's why I'm in Seattle.

Merry Christmas!

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