Friday, March 10, 2017


I feel the gentle sting of the tiniest of rain drops as I make my way into work.  The volume increases, and my jacket is wet by the time I enter the building.  I'll let go of my wish for snow and take the 50 degrees and breezes that the day brings.  Been a cold and gloomy stretch of it.

Daffodils, crocuses, skunk cabbage, and others have been in bloom for a couple of weeks.  The cherry trees are holding off for warmer weather.  The buds are there.  Definitely later than in the past couple of years.  We actually had a winter this year.  (Checked my garden recently; the cold killed off the artichokes, but the arugula survived through all the freezes, all the snowfall.  Impressive.)

Insomnia, as usual, should have just gotten up.  Fell back asleep, had another dream about walking through unlit hallways, this time at work, and I could see light around the edges of a door frame, but decided if the door was closed, they didn't want to be disturbed.  After trying numerous light switches, found one that turned on lights, and the light was so blinding, I couldn't see.  Is that progress?  Usually, I can't find light in the dreams, and I'm alone.  I know there were colleagues around in this one; someone answered when I called out.  The new is not completely unknown.

A new bird outside my window woke me up, got me to work on time.

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