Friday, June 25, 2021

Waiting for the heat

Sitting in my semi-dark apartment now that I've figured out I can climb up on my table to reach the high blinds and close them to keep out the heat; now I feel like I'm waiting for the heat apocalypse.  Maybe 110 F on Monday?!?!  It's actually kinda' pleasant right now.

Took some time off to go to the garden and water.  On other minds, there was a wait for one of the spigots.  The garden is going nuts (as per usual, it just gets away from me every season, though I begin with the best intentions.)  All the zucchini are producing, and the plants seems to double in size every time I stop by.  I planted watermelon (a bit on accident, I wasn't paying enough attention, and thought I was buying cantaloupe.)  They are starting to take off, enjoying the heat.  I hope they produce.

Had to go to the doctor last Friday, every time I've gone through Downtown for the past year-and-a-half it's been a ghost town.  On Friday, there were people everywhere, pandemic be damned.  Partially, it was a Friday afternoon, partially, it's summer, and partially, I think people are ready to be out in the world again.  Anyway, walked north, to S. Lake Union Park afterward, not really recognizing anything, construction never stopped, and what had formerly been more of an industrial neighborhood is now shiny high tech high rises.  The one benefit of the construction is more open space at ground level.  More human friendly, greener.  The outdoor mall near the University has been packed (more than I've ever seen it) with partial street closers, and more pedestrian friendly, as well.  It's near a wooded area, as well as a wetland, and while waiting at a crosswalk on my way home, a group of crows chased a red-tailed hawk which dove about ten feet above my shoulder and then landed on a nearby roof.  No one else seemed to notice.  By the time I was almost across the street, they did it again, and then the whole lot of them flew off into the forest.  Obviously, they can all maneuver well enough to not smack into objects (me) even while being pursued.  It was kinda' exciting though.

And one benefit of the pandemic has been the forced hand to open up sidewalk dining, that's everywhere now, and full.  Before, everything defaulted to cars, now there's a little more consideration for people.  (That includes neighborhood street closers, too.)

I was hoping to get an A/C unit, but when I asked, was told I'd be charged $400 to borrow one.  That did eventually get straightened out (my apartment is supposed to use one for free, and I think the ones on my floor, as well), but they don't have any available anyway.  I went out on Wednesday evening looking for a fan, and did find two box fans at the second store, they had window fans, too, but I don't have any windows that open.  I bought one.  And then I went to Goodwill on the way home from work, and bought some t-shirts. (I don't have any clothes for hot weather; it so rarely fluctuates all that much here.  I kinda wear the same clothes all year.)  I don't think you can try things on, yet, but I guessed, and now need to do laundry.

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