Tuesday, April 21, 2015

One thing more

Oh, now I need to muster up the guts to ask someone to mentor me (and the director), as well.  Aye.  (It is good to hear that other people find this process intimidating.)

Had really disturbing dreams last night.  The first being about a man holding women captive (one of which I was) and his glee in appearing each day with how he had tortured (and killed) them-unclear which came first.  No idea where that came from.  When I woke up from that, someone was trying to help me escape.  (Might be one of the most creepy dreams I've ever had.  Do I feel trapped somewhere?  I guess I did read a story about a woman that was sentenced to life in prison for torturing a family in her care...deplorable.  Still, subconscious, what the heck?!)

Had another dream about doing some cheerleader routine (outside, in a field) as part of some clown thing, and finding out that that mentor was married.  Someone I know did get married yesterday, somewhat of a surprise.  Seemed sudden.

And the last one had to do with a bunch of cats, and my saying something about #1 and #5, I must've met them individually, but then they were all in the room and I was trying to sleep-they were crawling around my head.  There was a woman across from me on the bus last night that had three dogs in a bag on her lap, and they were licking her hands...maybe that came from that.  Also, always cat posts on the internet.  Cats are everywhere.


I'm gonna apply with the show I've already written (from the solo class), it might change under direction, it could get more solid, at any rate.  I need the eyes, and I need to let go of control.  I was thinking I wanted to work with someone on the singing part, but then I changed my mind:  I want it to speak to the frame of mind of the character, and to flow from that character, who isn't perfect, so it should come from the same place.

Need to start the other piece.  I've made excuses of needing more research first (since it's fiction, not autobiographical at this point), but writing anything would give it a framework.  I can always get more or less accurate as I go along.

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