Saturday, April 11, 2015


Started a post on Wednesday, still haven't finished it, I feel the weight of it, the need to finish it before starting something new.  This is in defiance of that.

Thunder storms and rain predicted, but the day dawned sunny and cold.  When the clouds lifted in the west, you could see the Olympic Mountains covered in snow.  Better late than never, I suppose.  Went out to a volunteer meeting for the Seattle International Film Festival.  Not quite sure how I want to be involved yet.  Pretty sure I will have some time free, decided not to take any acting classes this quarter, first time in over two years, just can't make the schedule work for me.  Considering a tap class, but it will depend on when they are offered, no schedule has been listed yet.  Could use it for the clown showcase though.

Last night, went to go see a band, but they ended up playing an hour later than I thought they were, so could only stay for one song.  Left to go see a friend perform up the street at another venue.  An actor whose work I like was also in that show.  Meant to tell him, we caught the same bus after, but didn't work up the nerve.  At any rate, we (everyone at the stop) had encounters with a violently, ranting man.  The bus driver threatened to call the cops if he harassed us anymore, he continued to rant, slinging derogatory words that the actor and I both thought could be directed at either of us.  Apparently, he had body checked one of the other passengers on the sidewalk, and when the bus finally pulled up, and I was walking past him, looking down and noticing all the trash strewn about (I had kept my distance while waiting, so hadn't noticed his behavior, only heard him), he hucked some at me, which grazed me in the chest.  Thankfully only a cigarette package and not glass or dog poo.  There was shattered glass all over the sidewalk, so he had been smashing bottles earlier.  The actor wished me a safe night when I got off; I wished him the same.

At lunch, I'd gone to a presentation on someone's recent "Civil Rights Pilgrimage" that had ended in Selma for the 50th Anniversary march across the bridge.  Powerful stuff.  So moved to hear again of the injustice, but also the dedication and commitment and courage of those who had stood against it for justice.  I had to lock myself in the bathroom after to decompress from it before returning to work.  I need to go visit those places. (There's an organized trip, that goes to the towns, and meets with people from the Civil Rights movement, 1950-60's.  It's sold our for next year, already.)  Meanwhile, the struggle continues.

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