Friday, March 6, 2020

Life in Pandemic

The cancellations trickle in.  The buses less than half-full, though we are told they are being disinfected each night.  All in-person classes are cancelled as of Monday, but it's the week before finals, and students won't be back until the end of the month.

I walked to the store after work. I think I meant to buy a dish sponge (which I ended up failing to purchase by the time I walked back home.)  The first-aid shelves still empty of Hydrogen peroxide and any form of rubbing alcohol, a few bottles of witch hazel and glycerin were all that remained.  I bought two of the last bottles of disinfectant.  There was a normal amount of toilet paper stocked.

This morning, I was remembering those aerosol cans of Lysol, and wondering if there is a replacement product for disinfecting large areas/soft surfaces. The spray bottles don't really work for that.  Half the house was sick last week, but mostly recovered. Probably run-of-the-mill colds or allergies, but feel we should clean.  People travelling through and to the area weren't being screened, so who knows who has been exposed? Or for how long.

It's raining.  There's a slight chance of snow over the weekend.  It's been a mild winter, and the flowers have been bursting out for the past month.  The cherry trees are beginning to bloom.  Magnolias already blooming.  And the pathways are void of people.  The freeways light on cars.

It's all very surreal.

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