Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Already September

I feel like when we get to the other side of the rainy weather, we will be in another season: from a relentless heat wave (3 months?) to a normal autumn.  I can see a storm passing to the north, the dark clouds, curtains of rain falling, currently sunny directly overhead.  A wind has kicked up, what little is making it through the partially opened window, is pleasant; got a bit stuffy in the attic during the day.

I only ended up meeting with two people about the piece, consecutively, and in the end, I read the poem to each of them, and we talked about it.  Really helpful, needed to get out of my own head.  I think creativity is hard to do in a vacuum, at least for me, I need to bounce things off of people, hear someone else's take on it.  It went in another direction, and actually both of them were thinking in the same vein; they are both storytellers.  I have a lot of work to do.  Feeling sorta' flat emotionally, but I've worked through that before, so I have some hope I will again.  (And I don't actually know if I am even doing the show at this point.  It's taken me so long to get a handle on this.)

The second person made the observation that I shouldn't worry about trying to have people "get it" or to try to compromise what I say.  You're never going to reach everyone, and as I've mentioned before, something about the sea we're all swimming in has made me censor myself, a lot.  We also talked about getting to original gut-level reactions because the passion is found there, i.e., I genuinely care about that, and should use it.

Took a break from thinking about it for the evening, and promptly fell asleep.

Had a lot of encounters with birds today, must have bird-friendly energy.  The most amusing of the lot was when I went to the urban-farm store on my way back to work, there were a bunch of adolescent chickens in a coop.  While looking at the ones in the lower level, I kept getting hit with feed or sawdust from the upper level, I had to tip-toe to look in and the chicks were also stretching their necks up to look back out at me...a mutual curiosity.  Then walking to the bus stop, I noticed a broken branch hanging, from a distance I thought I might be able to reach it and pull it down.  Turned out I could not, but there were branches with hook-like ends and so I grabbed one and tried to catch the branch to get it to drop.  A very tall man came over and pulled it down for me.  It was sorta funny.  I didn't need to be doing it, but I thought it might drop on someone's head later on.  Sorta made me feel like a crow or something.

I have studio time on Friday, should get some sorta new draft done by then.

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