Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Stuff for the future

Well, I don't think I'm actually doing the show at this point, which is fine, I'm gonna finish the piece anyway, good to have done.  Don't know if I will use it in the future.  (But as of now, haven't rehearsed it or tech'd it, so not completely comfortable with performing it on the fly.)

I've also decided that in addition to writing "morning pages" daily, and free writes, I'm going to start writing stories, or at least story ideas, keep them in one place.  This forcing to be creative under pressure is torturous, mentally...creatively.  Everything just shuts down.  Also, I need to find some sorta artistic collaboration, doesn't even matter what the other disciplines are at this point, and probably better for me if it's not all theatre-related.  I need the clarity of thought that comes from airing out ideas and starting points with other people, where that benefits them as well as myself. (Like feedback/critique in an art class, how I somehow could produce a new design project every-two nights then.) Working with my former classmates helped tremendously, as did using studio space.  I knew that before, but I should've made use of both of them sooner rather than force myself to come up with a draft "worthy" of that.  And having a set space for that would dispel the fear I have of feeling like I'm wasting your time by asking.  All good to know for the future.

Do I want to be a writer?  Not sure.  But I write, and I might as well get better at it.

Also, gonna find an audition coach.  Need to get out there before I lose all confidence.  (And all the singing commitments start up again this week.)

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