Saturday, September 26, 2015


"Worry is misuse of imagination"

Woke up feeling emotional.  Thinking about the wreck on Aurora, all the people that helped, and all the people that were injured, and feeling for the families that have to hear the news that their loved ones died.  And then hearing the news that it was confirmed that the body found in Spain, was indeed the missing pilgrim, and my heart going out to her family, and all who knew her, and generally questioning fate, and why was that their fate?  Also, seeing a picture of the accused and feeling creepy because I'm pretty sure he's the same man that freaked me out in El Ganso last time I was there (and I sat on a bench for an hour waiting for someone else to come along so I wouldn't have to walk that stretch of road alone.)  And his actions ruin what was in general a good memory for me, one of the most significant things I've done in my life.

Saw "Knocking Bird" (by Emily Conbere, dir, Paul Budraitis) at West of Lenin last night.  As far as I can tell, it's about a couple who escape to the man's childhood home out in the woods, ten miles from the nearest 7-11, after a car accident leaves the woman's body wrecked.  Eventually, a man from their past (his boss/partner, her lover) comes to visit, lured on the false pretense that the woman was sending him messages for help.  Act II leaves reality altogether, not entirely sure what was going on, assuming the husband has completely snapped and we are inside his head.  I thought the writing was good, enjoyed the set, and it was my favorite role I've seen Alex Matthews in (the visitor.  And I like the way he moved the bird puppet character.)  The conversation between the couple played by Angela DiMarco and Sam Hagen was very stilted in Act I, and I enjoyed DiMarco's performance more in Act II when she "ate" the bird, and then became the bird living in birdhouse built for her as a gift by Hagen's character; Hagen played a man disturbed (and losing more touch with reality as the play continued on; spying on his wife, lying) by childhood memories at the same house, well.  I'm not sure what happened overall, but it reminded me of the Tod Browning movie "Freaks."

Woke up with a headache that has kept me from doing part of what I wanted to today (go to the Henry exhibit.)  But the sun's shining, and the air is pleasantly cool, and I guess I'll learn how to cook something new, if I'll be home for a while.  (Bought chestnuts, quinces, and tomatoes I want to roast, and I need to make a tomatillo salsa before they go bad.)

Peace.  Find joy while you can.

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