Wednesday, January 17, 2018


I've got sugar cravings like crazy.  Alcohol is definitely easier for me to let go of.  Found some re-hydrated figs in the fridge at work I'd forgotten about, and ate a few of those (figs and water).  Yesterday, found a packet of almond butter in my desk (unexpired), and ate that with a banana; kinda' made me feel a little sick after, which cured the sugar craving at any rate.

The good part of this, is that it saves me money.  Had a low-balance alert from my bank yesterday morning.  Thought that I must've spent more over the long weekend than I thought, but then decided to check my account to see where I'd done that.  Well, no, wasn't extravagant spending, my bank paid a bill 2x, and emptied my checking account out in the process.  I called to try to reverse one, but they wanted me to fill out paperwork to report a fraudulent transaction (which it wasn't, it was a double payment.)  Then I decided to go into a branch to talk to someone.  It got half-resolved, but was still told it was my fault (I've paid these the same way online for probably eight years without an issue, and this payment was no different than any before it.)  The (minor) downside is that I'm broke, but the bills I have to pay immediately have been paid, and I think I have enough food to last for the next week, so I think I'm okay.

The bigger upside is that it was the kick in the butt I needed to extricate myself from that bank (I owe them money, and was staying with them to finish paying it off), so, I've started that process, which is good.

The other upside is that in the past, I would've freaked out and made myself sick over all this (having four dollars for the next week in my checking account), but I'm not.  There's no (emotional) charge there.  I'm thinking about it different (what can I do right now vs. "how am I going to get through the week, I'll starve to death" overreaction.)  The desire for the b.s. and drama rises, but drops back down.  Hoping this is a new way of being for me.  (Been moving in this direction for the past year; at least that I can outwardly tell.)

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