Thursday, March 22, 2018

Life with Pets

Change in the weather, March 22/L Herlevi 2018
In the morning, a change in the weather, the sky is pouring down rain, and it's colder.  Big pools of standing water in the Quad, only one person visiting the trees to take pictures when I hurry through: soaked and late.  The sound of the rain on the cherry blossoms was pleasant, different than the sound on leaves, a softer patter, I guess.

By afternoon the rain has let up, but the air was chilly.  I went out to visit the trees, but the coolness and flatness of the light kept the visit short.

What a difference a day makes, March 22/L Herlevi 2018
Was looking forward to spending time with the pets, and still am, but they don't really know what to make of me.  I think the cat is better with it than the dog.  The dog misses his person, and eyes me warily.  When I let him out, he sits on the porch and gazes at the street, waiting.  Or maybe he always does that.  He also hits me with a paw, but I'm not sure what that means.  I don't think he dislikes me, I'm just not who he wants me to be; and perhaps he's having separation anxiety.  They both slept on me.  I didn't get much sleep, but it made me feel more secure.

And because it's raining hard, I decided I should clean up after him sooner rather than later.  I decided that after I had locked the door and was heading for work.  So, I put my work bag down and grabbed a bag to pick it up.  I guess there was a hole in it, and I ended up getting dog poo on both my hands.  Stood there a moment trying to figure out how I could wash them, since the house key was already in a pocket, and finally grabbed another plastic bag, and put my hand in it so I could get the key and open up the door.  Washed them about 10 times, and then used a disinfectant wipe on my hands when I got to work.  I'm sure they're clean enough, it's just kinda' gross.  I'll live.

Other than that, it's strange (as always) to be living in someone else's house, to imagine a different life, to witness a different reality.  But also, since it's not my regular space, it clears my head, and helps me look at my own life from a bit of distance.  Always an interesting space to occupy, like a vacation, though I do need to find some time to get back to my own house...I don't want to yet.

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