Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Learning to write again

The tendons in my right hand have taken to popping, when writing, when typing.  (Yes, that, and the lingering IT Band thing, still, which makes it irritating to walk, a popping sensation at my hip.)  Attempting, in earnest, to learn to write with my left hand.  Irritatingly slow, and it looks like a four year old's writing, though in cursive.  I'm trying to tell myself that the slowness can add to reflection, though my thoughts move faster than my hand can.  I have been amusing myself by writing in reverse, since if you write right-to-left you can actually see what you wrote.  Not practical, I suppose...I haven't held it up to a mirror yet to see if I can read it.  At any rate, now's as good a time to switch to writing with my left hand as any.  (Also, need to find a left-handed can opener.  I can use a right-handed one, but have a bit of concern about slicing my hand open on the lid.)  Doors, too, generally set up for right-handedness, and I recognize why, the usefulness of that, but I also recognize that I have trouble opening them.  I've been aware of that for awhile, but have been thinking about "bias" a lot lately, and it's true that until you are on the other side of the dominant bias, you don't see the problem.  And the one I'm noticing is an inconvenience for me, it doesn't hold me back from participating or threaten my life.  But just because we do not have experience with a bias, discrimination, etc, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.  I try to stay open, have empathy for someone else's experience being different from my own, in general, but it's still a good reminder for me.

Oh, I should audition.  Three things have come up, I'll just have to have someone take a picture...and find a new, short, monologue.  Can't do the one I've got.  I need to stop coming up with excuses, and it's good practice.  (And I'm working on the cold reading.)

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