Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Woke up thinking about earthquakes, and that any preparation I had done in the past is long past useful.  Should do something about that, even if it's having a bag packed, or sturdy shoes and socks at work.  Water.

Went through about half of my clothes, and then did the folding thing she says (Kondo) in her book.  It does make more space, but it's also driving me nuts, for instance, in my shirt drawer, even thought I can see everything now, I can't find what I'm looking for.  I'll try it for a while to see if I get used to it.  I did create a "donate" pile, and on a plus side, even though I regularly empty the drawers and reorganize them, I found a shirt I hadn't noticed in a couple of years.  I know the common idea is "if you haven't worn it in a year" to toss it, but since none of my clothes are particularly trendy (or, lets face it, fashionable...last big clothes-buying was for trekking, afterall) it's like finding a new wardrobe.  Still have to conquer the closet; but clothes are the easiest to cull.  Paper seems to be the hardest, I just think I "might need it someday."

The weather has finally returned to "normal" though still quite dry (and yet in spite of that, the seeds I planted recently have sprouted.  Yea!)  Finally getting sleep, still, found myself with a lack of tolerance yesterday; mostly for lack of common sense, or people going on auto and not paying attention to their actions.  My intolerance is my problem, my other problem was that my inner censor was off, so was trying to keep to myself; was not entirely successful.

Was talking to another (older than I, and from a warmer climate) friend about the weird head feeling, she also thought it might be dehydration (which would make sense, it'd been really hot, and I was exercising a lot), or blood sugar.  Figure I can get a handle on that before seeing a doctor, they always seem to threaten a spinal tap (no thanks!)  At any rate, been about a week since it's been bad.

Planning a vacation, to a cold climate (because I'll probably go in winter.)  Get so involved in it, I'm surprised by the warmth when I walk outside.

Still sorting through the things I need to deal with.  In a state of limbo.

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