Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Monday.  This will be a lot of work.  We need to read "Richard III" and choose a monologue by next week. And I need to find a copy of "The Complete Works."  Been looking through monologues online; don't know why I didn't do this before, it is easier to find something I like and then read the play rather than the other way around.  I am really liking the monologues from "Richard III" though.

We mostly read and discussed meaning in sonnets last night, and talked about monologues.  Not sure why I was so tired when I got home, but I fell asleep as soon as I got there.

Debating if I can handle the film class on top of this one.  It'll be a lot of homework, and time.  But at any rate, I still haven't heard back if I have an audition for it or not, nor what that entails.  I did send my application to the right address, though; I checked.

I do love learning, having my world open wider.

Tuesday.  Found a used copy of "The Complete Works," by William Shakespeare, chose the smaller, non-annotated version, less to be distracted by, and slightly easier to lug around for the next three months.  It's still quite the beast!  My planned date with the vile Richard went south as soon as I got home and proceeded to watch YouTube videos about sociopaths...which thankfully morphed into talks on Buddhism, so  the nightmares were kept at bay, though I did wake up at one point and wonder if I knew any non-sociopaths; and "of course I do," would be the answer. And you know, apologies all around, just not good to think about these things late at night.  I think the way it'll get read will be to go somewhere other than home to read it.  Fewer distractions.

Just got reminded of my needing to respond to working any of the catering gigs, and reminded myself that I need to sign up for some museum gigs, because I had said I would.  Time gets away, and the off-schedule (off of the normal routine of things) of the holidays really threw me off, in a good way.  Working at a theatre thing this weekend.

Five + days off of sugar (and alcohol.)  Find I have to keep aware to not accidentally fall into old patterns and unthinkingly buy a mocha or something.  Plus it's season of the post-holiday parade of snacks that people want out of their homes coming into the office.

Will have to take a temporary break from the newly re-acquainted errant knight to focus on Shakespeare.  (Interesting that the two most influential writers to modern western literature died on the same day, and 400 years ago.  It's all there.)

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