Sunday, July 3, 2016


Have yet to deal with the walnuts, made refried beans though.  Find it's probably just as well to buy them in a can, probably cheaper, in the end, and it's kinda' a long process: soaking, cooking, cooking again (because I got around to boiling them pretty late last night) and pureeing them.  They tasted fine, just a lot of work for the sake of a taco.  (Although, making them from scratch, you avoid exposure to BPA.)

Made me think about gardening, too.  I think there's a pride thing in growing pumpkins or good tomatoes, but if you were trying to grow things to save money, the things here would be: green beans, peas, kale/mustard (though, those aren't expensive, but along with lettuce, it would give you the option of picking what you needed, instead of having it go to waste in the fridge, since if you buy it from someone else, and you're cooking for only yourself, they often start to disinegrate before you get to them...for me, anyway), herbs (probably the best bang for the buck), berries, zucchini, tomatillos, and rhubarb.  And then any heirloom varieties you want to try, although, if you live near a farmers' market, someone probably sells it.  I was thinking about this because I could better use my allotted space.  (I try zucchini every year, but never have any luck with it.  Last year, all of my squashes produced only male flowers, until late September, by which point, I needed to pull them up.  I can't figure out why.)  I might get beans and pumpkins this year, fingers crossed.

Finally fulfilled a promise to help file a bunch of choral music (one of the choirs had been out of our space for most of the year, so we had stacks of music that needed to be put away) today, so, now I don't have to think about it anymore.

And had the odd thought (for me, since I often find myself at odds with the idea, i.e., sometimes I want a plan, and then on the other side I want freedom - usually, at the same time, that would be the Capricorn with Aquarius rising) but right now, with so much uncertainty, it feels better to have something to work toward, even if it feels overwhelming, than to have nothing to work toward, to be stagnant and lost.  In that corner of my life, I feel more excited than anything else:  anything could happen, and that might be a good thing.  It's ours to carry.

Lots of sirens tonight, never seem to let up.

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