Friday, March 27, 2015


It is so difficult to change habits.  There must be a strong enough trigger to cause the change.  Back to mindlessly drinking coffee...and I don't even like the taste that much.  It feels special or something.  I have changed other habits, foods I no longer eat (just not the ones I'm currently trying to test, I don't eat potatoes or orange juice, the latter makes me ill to even think about, so that's helpful.  And I've had to give up things like falafel in most places because it's fried in the same oil as potatoes.)  It was easier when I was younger, and I'm not sure why that is.  I feel for anyone trying to stick to a diet or break an addiction.  I came across an article recently that discussed using community, connection to help break addiction.  Felt helpful and promising.  At any rate, I have more immediate issues to deal with, and maybe in the process, things will improve.  There's probably an interrelationship between them all. (And I might have gotten overzealous with the supplements.)

Someone asked about what to do in the face of mindless suffering (yesterday was a bad news day), and I was thinking of something else someone had posted about appreciating people in your life today not because they might be gone tomorrow, but because they are here today, or something to that effect.  Practice more patience?  Be kinder?  Love more?  Listen?  Just a thought.  (We'd probably all appreciate being on the receiving end, no?)

Pictures of yesterday.  The rabbit is cute, but should have been taken to a shelter rather than released into the park.  One, it's cruel and irresponsible, and two, the city just spent a lot of money humanely removing the rabbits from the park (they are feral, and they were causing a lot of damage from burrowing...including under the highway.)  Beef of the day, especially since it's almost Easter.  I think the rabbit was recently released, pretty healthy looking and tame.  It deserves better than to be left to fend for itself against traffic, dogs, and birds of prey.  I hope someone catches it and keeps it.  It's adorable.

Released pet, March 26/L Herlevi 2015

Working, March 26/L Herlevi 2015

Light on Red-flowering Currant, March 26/2015

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