Sunday, March 1, 2015

Day 12 or something

(Moved the show review to a separate post.)

Got a little sunburned yesterday, and the residual food-poisoning lingers on.  Day 12 or something (of the allergy testing thing, not being sick), cheated (a lot) between the benefit event on Friday night and being out all day yesterday, the not being organized and bringing my own food, been busy, but that's still an excuse.

Worked as an extra on a film yesterday.  We were shooting out on this playground pretty much all day.  It's a good learning experience for how filming works (a lot of waiting, repetitive actions, continuity, etc...) and you meet people (turned out I'd met several of the people before), and we all got our make-up done (the make-up artists did some awesome scars and bruises on the main characters, I was looking at them thinking, "Crap, I want to learn how to do that!")  It ran late and I was thinking I was gonna miss my rehearsal time, I got offered a ride there, but I had been rubbing dirt on my clothes and hands (it was a post-apocalyptic world) and was going to a show after that, so wanted to change.)  We got stuck in traffic coming back into town, metal and glass gleaming in the sun as far as the eye could see.  An occasional puff of blue smoke rising up suddenly in the distance and then dissipating just as suddenly so you almost thought it was imagined.  Miles of this, the sun baking down (felt like summer), and then suddenly, no traffic at all.  I was only 15 minutes late, the bus from home to the studio space is pretty fast on the weekends.

Rehearsal was rough, couldn't hit the physical nor find a key to sing in.  The other group must've left early, it was empty and dark when I got there.  Allowed for me to shout and sing really loud (and sound really bad), and hopefully work through whatever blocks are there.  There were many yesterday.  It happens, better in rehearsal than on the stage (that happens, too.)

Have a gig soon.  Need to go buy some food I said I'd bring.  Cheers.

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