Sunday, August 7, 2016


It's late, and I'm up cooking fava beans.  Bought them at the farmer's market earlier today and was doing a cold soak (they were dried ones.)  Went out to the "From Hiroshima to Hope" (to remember the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and all who have died from acts of violence) event out at Greenlake earlier tonight, with it's culmination of setting wood/paper lanters afloat at dusk.  When I began to walk home again, there were still people going out on the dock to put their lanterns on the water, probably an hour into it?  There were a lot of lanterns, this year they floated directly across the lake from the docks, in a previous year, the currents took them toward the swimming docks.

Crossing the Lake, August 6/L Herlevi 2016

All the Lights, August 6/L Herlevi 2016

Lanterns, Aug 6/L Herlevi 2016
That we are all mud and ecstasy, that within us lies the possibilities of be the lowest or the highest.  That we could see the essence in the other, and not just the action.  That we could punish the action while never losing sight of the soul of the other.  That we could learn from each other.  That there is no need for "other" to pit ourselves against. That there is love, and we all come from the same place.  That there could one day be peace.

Lighting the lost spirits home again.  

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