Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Nothing static

Hung out with friends on Sunday night, one I haven't seen in probably 30 years(!), the other, I saw another side I didn't know existed, surprising, not necessarily in a bad way, like a carefulness fell away, less guarded.  Something shifted; a good thing, I think.

We've had our annual visitation of gull babies drop in at work.  One of them died, not sure what happened to the second one, but it's gone today; always hope they learned to fly and left on their own volition.  No way to tell, really.  Someone lost a parrot, signs up all over around the lake.  The parrot's name is "Herman" and the sign says it likes peanuts and almonds.  I thought I might have heard it, but when I looked out the window, just a couple of crows sitting on a branch looking back at me.  Put some nuts out in the yard just the same, hope it found it's way home.  I like that there's a parrot named "Herman" out in the world.

While waiting to hear back from the friend on Sunday, suddenly decided to rearrange, clean, sort through the boxes from my friend's basement (that I haven't dealt with since December.)  I have more space, but shoved things in front of my closet and my dresser.  Still need to deal with that, but decided to go see a live show tonight (theatre), so it'll have to wait (or maybe I'll get to it after the show; at some point, I'll need to wear different clothes.) Someone moved in, and I think someone is moving out.

I want something solid, and constant, to counteract a vague anxiety that haunts the back of my mind.  Everything is shifting, always.  I should, too.

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