Friday, December 1, 2017

New month

Chilly and breezy to begin December.  I'm trying to find moments to finish the books whenever I can, one is due sooner than I'd realized, and I'm not particularly enjoying it, but feel some sort of need to complete it, so it's one less thing undone.  I like the subject matter (Do animals have feelings?) though not convinced by the writing.  If I didn't believe it already, I wouldn't be sold, even if the stories themselves are interesting.  Ditto the "Hidden Life of Trees;" I've heard much of this info elsewhere, and the writing style is not my cup of tea (jumps around, a little folksy for me), however, I'm glad it was written and that people are reading it, anything that helps people broaden their view of the world, our place in it, and helps to see that life has it's own worth apart from our ability to exploit it, is good a good thing.  I'm preferring the other tree book (actually, more about ecosystems), even if the reality is depressing, the writing is solid.  (I love the self-help book.)

My arm feels much better.  I hope that lasts for a while.

Still feeling in limbo. (Or back in it, been that kinda' a year.  There is no center, no certainty here.  Things ending, not beginning yet.  Saturn return, a 28-year it real?  I don't know.  Did I suddenly find myself reviewing life events (more harassment, sexism memories coming up again, because of the news cycle), relationships (yeah, that's plural) from 27-29 years ago: yes, almost to the day.  Bringing up a lot of memories to process, and what I want in life, trust issues, communication, love, boundaries, affection, touch, space (both allowing space in a life, and outside of one to be an individual), conversation, friendship, respect, choosing each other, seeing people for who they are now, and not just who they were then, who I wanted to be, who I wanted to see them as...we remain ourselves, I suppose, but 28 years of life is a lot, and everyone changes.)  Trying to find peace in it, figure out what I'm learning about myself, my own reactions.  That's good.  For the moment, I'll learn as much as I can, but there are other ways to grow, so I'm not gonna stay here (limbo) forever.  I can't do that anymore.

"We must let go of the life we have planned so as to accept the one that is waiting for us." - Joseph Campbell

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