Friday, August 15, 2014


The sky is overcast when I look out the window wondering if it is time to get up.  Outside it's drizzling and warmer than I expect.  The woman at the coffee shop across the street asks if I had the day off (when I was off sick, I went in and tried to read for a while) and apologizes for how chaotic it had been that day, saying it didn't seem like I ever relaxed.  It really wasn't that big of a deal, I chose to stay, and ended up doing the puzzles in the paper instead of reading, but it's funny what people notice about you, or who notices, or that anyone was paying attention.  Kinda' surprised me.

Last night after dance, I walked, as usual.  Termites and other insects in abundance, later, as it got darker more bats out.  I counted three, there were probably more, but had at least three around me for about a 1/2 mile on the way back to the road.  I stopped and watched them every couple of minutes, took an hour to walk about a mile.  They were diving and turning right next to people, but as it was getting dark, and people don't tend to pay attention, no one seemed to notice.  I kept expecting to smack into them, though I suppose the bats are more aware than I am.  Back in the late 80's I lived at the far end of a lake for five months.  It was close to a city, but nestled in between foothills in such a way that there was no reception for either tv or radio.  When it was warmer (I lived there from April to early September) I'd sit on the dock in the evening and watch the bats.  Often hearing their chirps echo back off of the water.  So, last night, in the temporary breaks from the sound of traffic, I tried to listen.  Sometimes I thought I heard it, but I might be deluding myself.  They were fairly large for bats, bodies only slightly smaller than the palm of my hand.  I was happy to see them, that they are here, (and eating the bugs around me.)

It was 8:55 pm when I finally passed a clock and walked out to the main road.  Daylight completely faded.  Too overcast for shooting stars.

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