Sunday, January 11, 2015

After the workshop

A bit anti-climatic, coming home on the bus, fog and rain.  The group this weekend built trust quickly, and there was something alchemical.  A lack (or suspension) of ego, perhaps?  All I know is that when people put it all out there, that makes it a safe space for everyone else to do it, too, and that happened this weekend, and so, there was a lot of growth.  There was a lot of magic going on in that room.  Someone mentioned that they felt they knew everyone intimately without knowing anything about their lives.  Yeah.  And for me, a definite break-thru, 600+ hours of training since I started this (acting.)  You practice until you get it.  And then you keep practicing.

Something I was able to articulate today, is that for me to deliver I need to know the rules of the world I'm inhabiting...I think this might be what happened in that long improv last spring.  My reactions made perfect sense in that world that had been constructed.  So, I need to figure out how I find that, and if it's in a show, that probably needs to be agreed upon to an extent.  If you believe it, the audience believes it, too.  Little kids do it all the time when they play "make believe," they create worlds with established rules and play within those, sometimes breaking them, but always doing that on a conscious level:  you need to know what the container is.  And after all is said and done, this work is essentially play, sometimes serious, but always play.

I feel free.

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