Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Very habitual

Still haven't been able to do the full elimination diet, have only managed to go off of coffee and alcohol.  Been really hard.  Partially, it's never being home, so not actually cooking anything, and partially, it's procrastination.  Interestingly, I've stopped obsessively wanting coffee, it's not a habit to grab it anymore.  I like that I'm here, now.  Maybe that can work with other things, too, not just food.  To want things/habits that are good for you, more than those that are harmful, or keep you stuck.  (I did drink a cup or so of coffee on Saturday, and I got ridiculously wired, which doesn't usually happen.  Drove myself nuts with the jittery nerves and rapid speech...could do without, really.  Not really adding anything.  Not saying I won't drink it again, just hopefully, not so much.  Not so habitually.)

We talked to the landlord, and the rent is only a $50 increase if we sign another year.  Good to have that info, but not ready to decide.

I had another idea to try with the clown thing, but we now have promo stuff out, so I have to nail this down.  Hopefully, the other two will indulge me today.  I just want it to live more in the clown realm than as some other type of performance.  And as George said after coaching, I will still have the idea, I don't have to use it this time.  I'm not losing anything by changing it.

There is no scarcity.  I need to believe that's true.

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