Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Almost a show

One of these bugs going around finally caught up with me.  It might have been inevitable what with all the sneezing and coughing going on.  Think it's only a cold though, nose running like a faucet and my face hurts, mostly my jaw.  Anti-inflammatories don't help much, just have to wait it out.   At least the sore throat part was less than a day, when I was younger that'd last for weeks.

I think our show is coming together.  We had second-to-last rehearsal tonight.  We know the order, and who's moving set pieces.  We worked our piece a few times, new person added, it's set at three now.  Coming together, using clown elements.  In spite of being sick, I was more present than I have been and my energy was high.  I spent a couple hours in the studio earlier today working on a movement piece for class, due tomorrow.  Not sure I have anything, but it made for a good workout.  I mostly wanted to see what type of characters emerged from particular modes of movement and gesture, not sure exactly what is expected.  I feel like most people will have a dance, but I didn't really go in that direction, hopefully, it's good enough.  I'm not really a dancer, and I'm still trying to find my clown, so I spent time on that. Then I went home and took a nap, taking the rest of the day as a sick day.  Eventually crawling out of bed to go to clown jam.  Had to.

I've re-written my solo piece from last week, in the event it's what I end up using.  It's still a little muddy.  Someone asked me what it was about and I had trouble answering, so that's something I need to get clear on.  You should be able to say it in a sentence or two.  I'm gonna try to do that with every play I read now, it's good practice.  It helps you focus, know what the point is, what everything is leading toward.

There are a couple of solo showcases going on around town.  Gonna try to catch some of them, see what people present, and how they do that.

I should attempt to sleep.

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