Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 4

Woke up and decided to try cooking amaranth.  Not a pleasant smell, had to open a window.  I hope it tastes better.  Bought some chia seeds as well, want to make chia-seed pudding, it's high in omega-3's.  I'm still achy, some trigger yesterday, which means I'll have to cut out more.  (The amaranth is not my thing, though I tried.  The chia pudding is pretty good.  Will try it with coconut milk next time.  I used hemp milk today.  Most of the recipes I found had 1:4 chia seed/liquid ratio, pinch of salt, vanilla, maple syrup or honey.  You could probably skip the tiny amount of sweetener and serve it with fruit.  You mix it up and let it soak in the fridge for at least an hour.  Mine got a bit lumpy on the first try.)

I have garden boundaries now, and finally got rid of all the old, inherited wood.  Dug out the fennel, most of it, I think.  It had at least 3 feet of taproot that I pulled out.  Had to use a pick ax at one point. Apologized the whole time: it was a nice plant, attracted lots of lady bugs, and made the bees happy.  (Though, not so much my neighbors.  And so it is gone.)  My garden got finished after I left; I had to go to rehearsal.

Know what the song is.  Have general blocking.  I need to re-type it out, there are so many changes and notes in the script, it's hard to follow now.  I had some ideas of using recorded sounds, and also some other blocking elements, but in the end, we kept it more simple.  He said he liked me reading the parts I had wanted to record and speak over.  Will see what the class thinks this week.

I should probably get my translations for the Finnish songs written in the music.  We need them by tomorrow's rehearsal.  I might sing with them in the morning, they are planning on doing a song we sang in Finland and haven't done since.  The only time I was ever asked to do a solo (in Finland, not now), I agreed and was then terrified.  One of the tenors ended up singing it with me.  It's a good memory.

Volunteering at the General Auditions this week.  I really need to start auditioning.

My knee hurts, hope it's just a gardening thing.

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