Saturday, May 2, 2015

Letting go

Guilt and regret occupy too much space.  Digging through the boxes and drawers again.  Took away two bags of clothes to donate and two bags of recycling before I could change my mind.  I don't feel as if I've gained much space, but the weight of those things is gone.  I need to walk away from it all now, even though I've more of a mess of things.  It makes me a bit melancholy to spend so much time at home on the weekends.

Earlier went to a SIFF volunteer training (basically, more of a rundown on how the venues were different, what to expect, and what each job entailed.)  I haven't signed up for any shifts yet.  Then worked at a bake sale for my P-Patch, and during a break, bought too many plants.  Sometimes when there are too many choices, I make no choice, and sometimes I over choose.  I only bought four tomatoes though, so that's progress.  My plot is still not ready to have plants in it, don't know where I want's a blank slate.  I buried half the plants/containers so they wouldn't get stolen, and only took the tomatoes home.  Even so, someone offered me a ride.

I think one of the watermelon seeds might have germinated.  It's too soon to tell, could be some opportunist, lots of those.  I'll let them grow until I can identify them.  The peas have possibly rotted in the ground (or been eaten by birds.)  The bindweed is thriving.

The sun has set, a breeze is kicking up, and the birds are well into their evening song.  I think it's time for a break.

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