Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day

Never did end up making it to Folklife, which makes me a little bit sad.  Used to live for Folklife, back in college.  I worked at the film festival all day today, a bit chaotic, three theatres turning over all day, with handstamps and balloting. (A bunch of shorts, whose ballots take much longer to count because there are 10 votes to tally per ballot.)  And the traffic flow was off somehow, which made it feel more chaotic.  Ran into two people I haven't seen in probably 20 years: a woman I went to high school with, and a man I used to work with.  (And other people I know, from around.)  And though I wasn't feeling I was looking particularly masculine, a man said, "Thank you, sir," to me.  He was probably distracted, but I get mistaken for a boy more than seems reasonable.  I should try to go see something else before the festival is over.  We got four ticket vouchers for the shift today.  (I have a bad habit of volunteering in all my free time, so that I don't get around to using the tickets.  I still have World Series comps I need to use from last year.)  I can exchange five vouchers for a membership if it comes down to that, but I'd rather see something now.  I don't tend to go to movies much during the rest of the year.

I went to Ilvs Strauss' "Manifesto" last night at Velocity.  It was one of the shows I really enjoyed at NWNW last year.  She expanded that 20 minute piece into 70, added twelve dancers to the second half.  I guess they were supposed to be her brain, but I'd thought they'd represented the life-cycle of sea cucumbers (because she'd been talking about that right before the dancers came on stage in sea cucumber costumes.)  The piece is about her decision that she wasn't going to have children (there were two exceptions), and also about the California Red Sea Cucumber.  It was all done in voice-over, no one spoke onstage.  There was a talk-back after.  Just listening to her (and the dancers) talk about the process makes me think she's someone I'd like an excuse to work with one day.  It's how open she is to exploration in the process.  Again, loved the show.

I told my naturopath that I was feeling tired and she gave me five (!) more supplements to take.  (I can barely make myself take one.)  I think I've been overextending myself and maybe I need a vacation.  Possibly getting anemia again, too.  Mostly what I did all weekend was sleep (and dropped off the art supplies, and worked in the garden, some...I need to find where I'm going to put the tomatoes.)  I have half-a-day off tomorrow.  Living it up.  (I have five weeks of vacation at this point, but was saving it, in case I needed it for something, like a show, or travel...I feel like if you are gonna spend all that money on a plane ticket, you should stay a little while.)

Had a dream I didn't get in the show and had been showing up to group rehearsals, but no one told me until I looked in a book and realized my name wasn't in it.  And I guess there will always be something else.  Also dreamt about a big room with wood floors and hardly anything in it.  Liberating, in a way (a clean slate, to do with it what I want.)  It was mine.  And then being with a bunch of people I went to high school with, which is funny now, having run into someone today.  (It's because we have a reunion coming up, and someone posted a "save the date" yesterday.)

I'm trying to work on scripts everyday, I should probably get to that.

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