Saturday, June 20, 2015


If I remain still for long enough, I find myself encircled by the acrobatic flight of swallows.  The first day of summer already feels like mid-summer; promised rain never quite falls.  Drier and warmer than usual.  Was excited yesterday to see a watermelon had actually sprouted (other plants previously germinated turned out to be tomatillos) only to find upon re-visitation of the garden today, that it had been completely devoured by someone, a slug or such.  The pumpkin is doing well, greedily expanding it's territory.  Need to get something else in soon.

Last night the newbies got schooled in proper form.  (And why is it that when she says my name, I feel like I've done something wrong?  I rarely hear my name, I suppose.  It wasn't the actual case, in fact, she was commenting on what I had improved on. There was clarification on why and how; it was helpful.)  We ran through the entire performance for the first time, with all (43+) of us included, last night.  She mentioned it became part of the training when students started asking how all this training related to acting/performing.  I need to work on my imagination.  There should always be some story running.

We did end up tight-rope walking again; I didn't manage to move any further along the rope, though maybe I improved in other ways.  (Everyone made it across originally, while holding a hand on either side; it's the solo crossing that is difficult.)  I find the metaphor of this the strongest for acting: the end point (where you are focusing) is the objective, and between you and that point are all the steps/obstacles you have to negotiate first.  (And for the life of me I can't remember the term.)  Two-thirds done.  I wish it went on all summer, though admittedly, it'll be nice to have an evening free.

I was just about to skip clown jam, when one of the others came out and got me from the bus stop.  Also, I was about to give up on the whole thing, but then we generated a lot of story ideas today.  Stuff to explore further.  It looks like the next show will be more cohesive, if we can get enough people involved.  For now it's fleshing out and writing.

Happy Solstice!

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