Sunday, September 7, 2014

Back to it

Sometimes I think if I just write, something will turn up.  Finally went to a couple of performances today.  Was debating between "Angels in America" and "Waiting for Godot."  Settled on the latter because it started a half hour later than the first and the bus wouldn't have gotten me to the former on time.  While waiting in line to see how much the ticket was going to be (my pass gets me a discount) someone turned in a ticket they weren't gonna use and so the ticket people handed it to me.  A much better seat (second row, center) than I would've "thank you" to whomever surrendered the ticket.  The show itself was excellent, put on by the Seattle Shakespeare Company.  Well cast, great staging, and excellent job with the language, and cultural translation. (Irish humor, originally written in French, and translated into English by Beckett.  It was also his first play.)  Afterward, I went to write, but ended up running into friends so I chose talking to them over writing (I can write when I'm alone) and then watching the first half of the Shakespeare Intensive's final showcase.  They were good.  I'm starting to like Shakespeare again after this summer.  It's not Shakespeare himself, it's that I've seen so many uninspired productions (particularly of "Romeo and Juliet" and "Midsummer Night's Dream") that'd I'd kinda' soured to it.  (And I'm not particularly crazy about either of those plays.  Willing to have my mind changed.)  The woman who played Richard III tonight made for a wonderfully, menacing, creepy man.

I left at the break because I needed to go to the grocery store before it closed.

That's pretty much it for me.  Was thinking about the idea that you won't let anyone love you until you love yourself.  It's not that they don't, but that you second guess and reject it, if you don't see your own worth.  Not sure what made me think about that.

I'm back at work tomorrow.  Never did empty any of the boxes.  (The sudden breeze that's flowing through the window feels like someone just turned on a massive air conditioner.  It got hot again today.)

Random things while walking to the Shakespeare showcase.

Cart with dinosaur, Sept 7/L Herlevi 2014

Belltown, Sept 7/L Herlevi 2014

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