Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dreams more interesting than waking life for now

Mind still relatively blank.  Start voice class in two weeks, maybe something will stir.  (Need to start doing monologues as a daily practice.)  Having a lot of strange dreams which I remember, and wake up happy from, even though they aren't necessarily so.  In one, I was travelling with a large group of people in Spain, and had run back to a room to check to make sure everything was out, and was consequently left behind in the process.  I had no money, no documents, nothing...all my stuff was in the vehicles that left.  Woke up before I figured anything out  With all the performances I've seen and conversations I've had lately, these things are not surprising.  A lack of identity?  A chance to start over?  Again, I was happy when I woke up, not anxious.

In another, a guy friend decided to come out of the closet, and then we both started stripping off all of our clothes, while standing on the sidewalk, outside a window (probably a coffee shop or restaurant...there was an audience.)  I think initially for me, it was my solidarity with him that caused me to take off my own clothes, but also, I'd had a conversation with someone (in actual life) where I'd mentioned being emotionally stripped bare in Meisner, so maybe this was a metaphor of that.  Don't think either of us got to a point of being fully undressed, there kept being more and more layers of clothing.  (It was like in "Almost, Maine" nothing particularly provocative about it.)  The only thing that stood out was a bright yellow jacket or shirt I had on.  Is every layer a different part of our identity?  You think it's just the one secret you want to let out, but then go to find more and more that you are keeping hidden.  The telling of one, unravels another.


Living through the dull part that adds to life.

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