Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Blew my day cleaning the bathroom, eating (which, okay, involved cooking, so that's something) and watching a British show on youtube called "The Supersizers Eat," where these two people go back to another time period for a week and live like people would have during said time period, mostly as related to food.  (Watched the Victorian and Medieval England episodes, the latter looking more edible than the former, though you couldn't drink the water during Medieval times, at least not in England.)  Finished off the last of the soup with dairy in it (roasted cauliflower and garlic, with dill, cream, drinkable yogurt...only way I could find to consume that, not particularly drinkable for me, but worked in a soup.) And ate part of my "emergency" baking chocolate bar, technically not supposed to eat chocolate, but it doesn't have sugar or dairy in it...I'm starting to really like it, don't miss the sugar.  I'm probably making too many concessions, but I am off of everything now.

Thunder storms rolled through earlier (another rain storm just started), and got my window (well one of them) closed in the nick of time, seconds later, the wind lashed the rain against the house, the flooded streets turned to rivers, and drenched people dripped down the street, so soaked it was beyond the point of running for cover. Now it sounds like animals are running across the roof.  I can't see the rain, but in the distance where the sky is still light, streaks hang and drift across the sky.  Now only wind and traffic...all of it blending into a background roar.

If I get some writing done and maybe read a play, I guess that'd be somewhat productive.

Right after closing window, Sept 2/L Herlevi 2014

Going out to rescue the bath mat, Sept 2/L Herlevi 2014

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