Thursday, September 18, 2014

Rainy Thursday Morning

I'm exhausted.  Worked a very physical catering gig last night, ate a bunch of cheese, too, which might have something to do with being tired.  Got home at midnight.  Had a "thank you" message this morning from the woman I work for when I checked my email.  It's nice to be appreciated.  The events are fun, but sometimes it's a lot of work, and I don't get paid, it's a trade for comps. (And food, usually.)

I'm gonna be on this diet forever if I keep slipping.  (Not a bad thing, it's pretty healthy.  I added rice and fruit back in, had a hard time going without carbs.  Just feel better energetically with them.  More even.)  I was hungry though, long day, lots of walking stairs with heavy platters.  I don't know if I feel much difference, but I have cut my use of anti-inflammatories way down, to almost none at all, and no headaches, both of which are good things.  Oh, and I'm sleeping better, so, there's that. (No stimulants.)

Not a whole lot going on idea-wise.  Partially, that's that everything has slowed down, I'm not pushing past my edges constantly like I was for the past couple of years.  A lot came up.  Going to both Angels' shows (even with Rush tickets) used up my dance budget, so will have to wait until October to start classes again.  And I've been busy, so haven't walked as much.  It's okay, I have things that need attention, and then they will no longer hang over my head.  I just kinda' miss the ideas, and I'm a little bit bored.  I want to be creating things.

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