Wednesday, September 10, 2014


The demolition begins at 7 am.  The air heavy with mist, the rooftops damp, the engines begin their rumbling, and push around debris that was once a house.  I close the windows to keep out the dust.

When I come home after clown jam, the house is actually kinda cold.  It's chilly out.  Sky full of stars, only a few wisps of clouds in the east, adding dramatic effect to the no-longer-full, rising, moon.  House across the alley, now just an empty lot.

It's late.

Tonight we decided to dedicate part of our time together each month to generating material.  And to that end, we set ourselves a goal of spring for a show of some sort.  So, there will be more focus, and hopefully that will appeal enough to people so that they will come.  I like the play element, but it's true, we are also performers, and having more of a purpose, to create, to perform, a point to move toward, would be good.  And I too, work better with the pressure element.  I wish it weren't so, but it helps me with creativity, once I unfreeze.  (You know, you plod dutifully along in one direction on a final project all quarter only to change the direction and rewrite the entire thing over the night before it's due.  Incredibly stressful, but it happened a lot for me.  Things aren't there until they are, and for me, time pressure helps with that.  We'll see if it does with this, or if I do more production work on it.)  I would love to create something though.

Random thought while walking earlier today:  Compassion is a daily practice, choosing to see the good in another, (especially when you don't want to) over and over again until it becomes a habit.  Choosing love over fear.  There's no magic wand to change how you think, you just practice, and practice.

I revisited this place to see how it's held up.  It's been awhile.

Ivy, Sept 10/L Herlevi 2014

Re-visiting, Sept 10/L Herlevi 2014

Established in place, Sept 10/L Herlevi 2014

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