Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Lunar eclipse tonight

Early home for me, before 10 pm.  Went to The Seagull Project's "Queer Russia" which was part of their series, "The Great Soul of Russia."  I wasn't actually sure what this was going to be, but it ended up being a scripted performance of the contributions of LGBTQs in Russian history.  (One exception was that of Alexandra Kollontai, who was not queer, but made great strides for sexual equality, and especially for women's rights in the early part of the 20th century: Russian women had equality in the 1940's, though I don't know how that stands now.)  This script is in progress, curious to see where it goes.  Don't imagine they will be performing this in Russia (they have performed Chekhov in Russia.)  Under Putin, I think the statistics are that in 2002 60% (or something around there) of the Russian public had an unfavorable view of LGBTQ's and as of 2012 that has increased to 74% (I think.)  They could go to prison for performing this there.  Beating someone up because of sexual identity is an unpunished crime.  It's a travesty.  You are who you are.  (I'm straight, for the record, but I believe in equality and acceptance.)

Some other things I took from tonight were that I want to listen to more of Tchaikovsky's music; and that it was lovely to see Alex Highsmith as Sophia Parnok (poetess, turn of the 20th century), had previously seen her as Harper in "Angels," and for which I appreciated her non-hysterical performance, but she has a great presence, as well as poetic sense.  And Marty Mukhalian as Alexandra Kollontai, who was recently in the "Bunner Sisters," is also pretty awesome.

Another stressful morning, but through a series of fortuitous circumstances, minimum negative consequences...so I see the overall picture as ending up positive...basically, I got really lucky, things could have gone downhill, but did not.  Yes, of course it has to do with money.

Clouds obscure the moon, who still sends it's light out into the night, in beams around the edges.  I shan't stay up to witness the eclipse.

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