Wednesday, December 3, 2014


I haven't been writing as much as I used to.  Everything I think to write feels so self-indulgent and that it would be boring to anyone else that I just don't say it.  Mostly I started writing the blog to make myself write, and hopefully become better at it over time...and I suppose the act of not writing is counter to that.  I write off-the-cuff, and while editing might make it better, there's also the truth that if I think about it too much, I won't do it at all.

Have been inspired by a photographer I came across yesterday, both in what he's photographing and how he's presenting it.  Something to aspire to in the new year.  I haven't followed through (yet...been busy with other things) on other ideas, so will have to wait to see if this one sticks.  But I've challenged myself, it has to do with urban/wild boundaries/overlap...I've been working on and off with the idea for years, not always successfully, but I'm intrigued by it; mostly I wonder which will win out, and what that would look like.  In a place that's been "re-wilded," what remains?  (At any rate, it's what we've been left with.)

I had a lot going on last year, and not much currently: work, trying to not slide backward on everything I gained (internally) last year, and now working on this show...getting through the mud of life.  Figuring out what's actual as opposed to what I want to see (where it's not.)

If real people (as opposed to spam generators) are actually reading this, thank you.

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