Friday, April 8, 2016


Walking post-sunset, the colors in the sky beginning to drain down to luminous star-filled black; the air still warm from the sudden spike to 80 degrees earlier in the day; insects swarming happily in high columns in the air; the tinned music of an ice-cream truck cuts through the din of traffic.  I turn a corner and come upon it, the sound almost deafeningly loud when I cross in front of it.  The trees all in abundance of leaf and flower, the impending approach of summer in the air, though still two months away on the calendar.  There is a feeling of joy, and rightness in the world, in the moment.

Finally asked a friend outright if she'd pick me up from the hospital.  She had once mentioned out of the blue, that if I ever were in need, she does that sorta' thing, so I'm taking her up on it.  I have a couple of back ups in a pinch, but it has to be someone I trust, and who knows where I live.  And I need to give whomever it is the right to make decisions for me, I think.  Last time I had this done, I was still in and out of consciousness when they released me; I remember bits of things: I remember introducing two people to each other in a stairwell; I remember wanting to get home quicker so I wouldn't vomit in the car; I remember running into the house.  This time I was told they'd give me anti-nausea medication:  it's a longer drive.  Anyway, I called and scheduled it.  Still scared, but I guess I need to have this done.

For the record, what I'd said, in reference to people getting outraged and posting nasty comments after only reading a headline, but not accompanying articles, was that they got "their panties in a bunch."  In my head it's the equivalent of "up in arms" (though not quite the same), "knickers in a twist," or "bee in their bonnet," though I suppose the last of those could also be deemed sexist, since men don't tend to wear bonnets.  Could I have been more pc?  Probably.  I usually tend to say it in reference to crows when they get all riled up.  Peace.

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