Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

Read two books and now need to finish a third as it's due date is just about here.  Slept too much, trying to keep myself occupied to not let this overwhelming feeling of disappointment engulf me as has been threatening for days now. It's just part of life, though saying that doesn't make me feel any better. Been reading other people's blogs for about an hour now. It's 6:30 in the morning, maybe I should get up and exercise? Cook. Do my taxes. De-clutter. Too early for laundry. Write. Put film in a camera. Find camera?  I know I'm an idiot, but closing myself off would be worse (for me.)

Got up, made nettle tea, then made risotto with the nettles and some of the tea (and those baby leeky things that I pulled from the garden yesterday). I had some broth I needed to use up. Turned out better than last time, used a different cooking vessel, higher sides. Miss the cheese, but was edible. Cracked open the window so I could listen to the robins sing their pre-dawn songs, once the sun had risen above the mountains, I could hear the other birds singing as well. I really enjoy cooking in the morning when no one else is awake, but if I do it on weekdays, I always end up being late for work. I'm easily side-tracked.

Wow, the asthma prescription was $144 even with health insurance! So, I can't fill it.  So sick of coughing and reinjuring my throat.

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