Saturday, February 8, 2014

Dream about "clown"

Still not snowing.  Had a bunch of weird dreams about Meisner (invading all parts of my life now), last one involved being jealous of someone and realizing that I should just start calling it out and wanting for us to walk into class and go, but then realized we weren't scheduled for that day, and then later, that we weren't actually partners.  Still I wanted to run with it, because I was tapping a strong vein of emotion (more than jealousy) and I wanted to see where it would go.  It felt really alive and free.  Woke up happy, I guess because I'd hit an intensity of emotion I hadn't been able to, and even if it was at odds with who I might want to admit I am, I wanted it to be witnessed.  And why do I get mad if someone acts where I didn't?  Gets credit for an idea I had but sat on?  Time to act baby, instead of always waiting, thinking the opportunity will still be there way in the future.

Also had a dream about a clown routine, an idea for one.  The clown was polling passersbys and writing the results on a white board, but I wasn't sure what question the clown should be asking and I was asking for advice on that.  And the answer she kept giving me was to ask me the question, "What does it mean to 'wander lonely as a cloud'?"  Wordsworth (I wandered lonely as a cloud.)  Imagery of the poem fitting for the dream, and star-gazing, somehow.  Feel like I'm back in my college romantic poetry class.  I didn't think that answered the question I had, but maybe it does.  What does it mean, and how does that relate to the clown?  What does the clown do next?

This clown needs to learn lyrics.  Ciao.

(A blue jay just started hollering outside my window until I opened the blinds and looked at it.  Guess I should get up, it is after 9.)

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