Saturday, February 1, 2014

Saturday night

The sliver of the waxing moon dropped below the horizon hours ago.  The stars are out and the sky is clear, and it's cold.  Coming into another cold snap, not like the rest of the country, but it's been a mild winter here so far.  The trees have begun to push energy up and out into the formation of buds and leaves.  There were stinging nettles at the market this morning.  The man said two weeks early, but the peak of it is usually April.  We're barely a month into winter.

Went to my first clown performance tonight.  It's such a different experience from "dramatic theatre" that I think I need to see more.  I'm aware of that from the performance side of things, since I've studied both forms, but it's interesting to watch: very physical, lots of breaking of the fourth wall and interacting with the audience.  The physical is lovely.

Went thriftstore shopping earlier, trying to find something for class.  No luck really, so will have to make that work into the exercise.  Tried on this cool victorian blouse, but it had a large hole in the elbow: it was 150 years old, fit, too.  Changed who I'm landing my exercise on.  Not the fear voice, just that while walking, I realized I was getting support from somewhere I wasn't expecting...anyway, I'm doing the same exercise/task, but changing the tone.

(Someone's phone alarm is vibrating on my ceiling, I might go mad.)

Accidently erased all of my camera memory earlier today: that's one way of letting go.
Be Happy, Feb 1/L Herlevi 2014

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