Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Another day, another storm

Working on the Oleanna scene, my poor scene partner barely gets a word in edgewise, of four pages of text, a good 2 1/2 are my character just going off (he has one small paragraph and I have six) and then there is actual back-and-forth dialogue, where we continually cut each other off.  (I've usually gotten the one-word replies to someone else's diatribe, now I get the diatribes.  It's a lot to memorize.  One of the things I was inspired to do after the 14/48 Festival was to memorize my text faster, those actors were getting their text and blocking down in mere hours.)  I need to read the play, I actually found part of the script online, but the characters interrupt each other so much I didn't get a sense of what they were talking about.  It seems on the surface that one is destroying the other's life, or perhaps they both are.  There are implied accusations, but I need to know what those are.  And they take a long time to say what they mean to say.

I think I've figured out more about Emily Sparks, at least I hope so, those are finished tonight.  I'm not always able to communicate outwardly what I know inside.  I think I'll change my song as well, it's a love song, but perhaps I want my love to save him in the end.  If I didn't, why would I feel the need to speak to him?  (And a star will shine brighter and shoot across the sky in answer, all in my imagination since I don't get to actually speak to him.  Only search through the darkness of the night, in hopes that he can hear me, that I always loved him.) Then we have only two more classes (one is only a work through w/scene partner) before we have to present the scenes.  We've only got four more classes, counting tonight.  This quarter has flown.

Oh, total clashing of personalities, points of view.  Yes, I have to read the whole thing, she has a secret, I need to find it.

Rain, rain and more rain.  I want to eat my own food.  I have food in the house, but no time to cook it...just not home at all this week, barely enough for time to sleep.  I need to learn to ask for what I need or want...boundaries?  I need someone to cook for me.  (Even my writing sounds like I'm running on only caffeine...that's true so far today.)

Ooh.  There is such a thing as "slang" flash cards...very distracting.

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