Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday, it's raining

and I'm feeling particularly restless.  Not in a bad way, I'm not stressed out (amazingly enough, mentally calm) I just can't sit still and focus on anything for more than a minute.  Perhaps I've had too much caffeine.  Not sure what it is I'm expecting to happen.  Partially, it's the nerves of starting the house-interviewing-speed-dating process.  It's been six years since I've moved, and the year before that, I'd lived in four different places (leases ending, etc.)  As for the rest, shrug...I don't feel bad.  I guess I'm ready for things to change, and I don't know what that's gonna look like, in any aspect of my life, and I'm giddy.  (And I probably need to eat.)

And so it all starts up again.  Wish me luck.
Rained all day/L Herlevi 2014

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