Sunday, March 2, 2014

Centered but pissed

What would "winning" a war in Crimea even look like?  (War, as opposed to a peaceful resolution, withdrawal.)  It's just the latest fire, a symptom of a larger issue, where he changed the laws to give himself unlimited power: there is no scheduled sunset on his reign.

Other life.  Was talked into staying for the whole concert with the carrot of a ride to meet my partner.  That was actually nice, and it was dumping rain, but I paid for food, and didn't have a chance to eat so that I could rush to meet my partner (it's true, I was about 15 minutes late, but I said I might be.)  Anyway, he wasn't there.  I was so pissed I didn't try to find him (he was hanging out with someone else, but he had an appointment with me.)  I should have, but I felt like staying in the self-righteous anger.  And now I don't get to actually look at him when I do my piece, which is tough, because I have no cues to go off of (so, how do I know if my voice reaches him?)  And I read too fast, and I wasn't connected, but I did go first...she said it showed I wasn't prepared, which is true enough, I'm not sure I understood what exactly "being prepared" meant.  Last chance is Tuesday.  He does get to look at me though.  I need to get more specific on why I need to say this to him.  I have two images of him: the child, and the person being kicked outta' town, I need to flesh out the intervening years, if only to understand why he says what he says to me.  We got partnered again for final scenes.  That's one way to work shit out.  (Oleanna, David Mamet.)  I generally like working with him, I suppose I just needed to be pissed off tonight, but I don't get to stay that way.  I don't like being stood up. (Or being addressed by the wrong name, or "you."  I know I'm being petty.)  Still, if it's true we have to teach others how to love us, we also have to teach others how to treat us.  Just a thought, I put up with being last and receiving crumbs as if it's a feast...and it's really not.  Obviously, this is about more in my life than my scene partner standing me up, and the latter is only a big deal in the context of everything else.)

Good things about today?  I made a lovely vegetable tray for the Finnish event; we sang Tuljak relatively slow and so got most of the syllables in-and everything was translated(!) in the program;  I was really centered in my body when we did "grid work" (a group exercise, set to music, where you move as if on a grid, and interact with one another...and work up a sweat), like really grounded and really free, in a way I have not been this year; being in class makes me forget everything else...that's always a good thing.

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