Monday, June 23, 2014

Back to it

For the sun setting just after 9 pm, it seemed to get dark fast...and now it's raining.  I do love summer, but psychologically, I prefer the winter solstice because then the daylight begins to increase in length as opposed to now where it will begin to decrease.  That said, I think August is my favorite month.  Must be memories of camping, and the height of warmth here.

The workshop I'm trying to get into is about re-training our bodies out of habits of moving or being that don't necessarily serve us well, but for which we have ingrained ideas about, often from something that was said that we maybe can't even remember consciously, but the response to or the result of which, we've been holding in our bodies.  It's supposed to help free you up to move or speak with less strain.  I went tonight, even though I haven't registered yet, still keeping my fingers crossed that I can.  It's only fifteen hours, I hope it ends up making a difference for me, I often fear that nothing will.  I did witness a change in resonance for a couple of people as they said text or monologues.  The only difference I've felt so far in myself was an increase in my level of openness to the people around me, and my wanting to communicate something to them.  I was less self-conscious.  I'd like to try it in class with both walking barefoot (because I walk really different with shoes and without) and with a monologue that I've been having trouble with, or maybe with singing (although, half these students seem to be musical theatre majors.)  I'm feeling more confident than I have in a while.  It's nice.

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