Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Bird chatter

There's a bird I've never heard before (or hadn't been paying attention to) that I now hear around town; still haven't managed to see what it is (one long swoop of a note, five, fast, staccato notes, then one long note held out. I think I could draw it better than explain it.) The birds sometimes all chatter at once, and sometimes, one voice at a time, in succession.  The robin is almost always the first, and the loudest, when the sky has only considered lightening.  Then it all stops for about an hour.  Curious.  I can hear one bird now (plus a little bit of background chatter), a mournful one, it's at a distance and the freeway is so loud this morning, it drowns out almost all other sounds.  The sky was blue, gold-tinged clouds floating below, when I first woke up, now it's more bright gray, puffs of cool air dropping in through the window, hitting my skin, reminding me I'm alive...maybe it will rain

Need to pack for rehearsal.  Happy Tuesday.

Later, walking into work: silence.  Almost no one around.  No traffic.  No wind.  Just quiet.

I really should get this ulcer thing checked out...feel like someone's trying to punch their way out of my rib cage.  Sigh.  (Okay, I did make an appointment, so I'm doing something, not just whining about it.)  Also, working on a Plan B for the education thing, conservatory training looks iffy at this point, or scaled back.  I just found a class that would have been part of it, with space available, but I'm a day late on turning in the paperwork (because I've been in limbo with seeing if this training would be possible); waiting to hear back if they will still let me in. Always worth asking.

Maybe I should come up with a Plan C....bureaucracy, fees, red tape.  Sigh.  Need to keep the practice up over the summer.

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