Monday, June 30, 2014


The thing I've been dreading has come to pass.  I guess there's nothing left to worry about.  But it sucks.  It sucks.  And I just signed up for a dance class for the rest of the summer: it's in the 'hood, I have too much free time, and I could use a little more grace. I've been considering it for awhile.  And I'll have to reschedule the meeting again (oops!, with my scene partner from last quarter.  Edited.)

I come home to my landlord dousing the yard in chemicals and attempting to fix the dryer, both of which are bad ideas.  I hope he doesn't cause the house to burn down.  (My issue with the laundry isn't that I'm not capable of hanging it out to dry like most of the world, but rather that I'm holding up my end of the rental agreement and the landlord is not, and I don't want weed killer all over my clothes.  And also that there should be certain livable standards in rental units (water, electricity, appliances, etc., that are up to code), but too often the property managers/landlords take the rent money and don't keep the property up to that standard.  And I share my roommate's concern that a professional should work on the dryer, since the issue seems to be a heating element; neither of us want a dryer fire.  Pretty sure he's not an electrician)

And some poor soul got shot and killed over an altercation at the light rail station.  It's effed-up.  Many things are effed-up today.

You know the weather's lovely, and this is supposed to be a good week, but I'm gonna wallow in my pissy-ness awhile.  I'll try not to write about it.

Here's Joe Jackson doing "Is she really going out with him?"  (It's that or the Aerosmith song that's stuck in my head, I prefer Joe.)

Here's Elvis Costello.  Love this song.  Music is a good anecdote.

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